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Blocker Mover Offense

*Learn the Blocker Mover motion offense system in 90 minutes 


-50 pages of detailed writing breaking down the offense

-38 minute film breakdown demonstrating the offense (6GB)

Early in my coaching a career a conference foe of ours ran the absolute snot out of Blocker Mover. And holy cow, it can be frustrating to play against. It’s a patient and precise brand of basketball that tires the defense both physically and mentally, and stretches the court sideline to sideline.

Defending it over the years really helped me as a coach teach getting through screens and getting into to help side at a higher level.

It wasn’t until after that experience that I started down the Dick Bennett rabbit hole, and then watched Tony Bennett win the National Championship in 2019 using the offense as their system.

I consider Blocker Mover to be a “motion offense.” Reading the defense to use screens the most effective way possible is at the core of this offense.

Blocker Mover defines the roles of all the players involved very, very specifically. It can also be ran to feature the posts in a variety of very creative ways.

It is an offense you can skill develop for, since the movers (guards) require a very specific skill set and the blockers (posts) a complete opposite skill set. Together, you have an offense blending finesse and brute force in a seamless and complimentary way.

If you like motion offense, off ball screening, reading the defense, and stretching the defense sideline to sideline, Blocker Mover will grab your attention.

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