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Tempo 4 Talent - Finding the right schemes to suit your talent

*Learn new strategies to create the most favorable game for your team in 1.5 hours


How do you create the most favorable game for your team to play in? 


This is a two step process: First, you evaluate your own team to understand the type of game they need to play to be successful, then, second, you implement the schemes and use strategies to force your opponent to play the style of game you want.


In this 42 page guide I share the four general ways to control the tempo of a game, and then give 5-7 schemes and/or strategies for each to help you create the most favorable game for your team.



BONUS #1: Tempo 4 Talent - Models Cheat Sheet
A list of schemes and points of emphasis for each of the four models of game scheme. The four models are fast offense with fast defense, slow offense with slow defense, fast offense with slow defense, and slow offense with fast defense.

BONUS #2: Email Support
If you have questions as you are installing, email me ( and I will respond within 24 hours guaranteed



Every coach has a preference and comfort level for schemes they prefer.


But every high school coach has ebbs and flows of talent through their program from
season to season, and within pockets of seasons as the years go by. We all want to position our teams the best possible way for success.

To do this, we as coaches have to understand how to manipulate the schemes we choose to give our teams the best chance to win as much as we possibly can. This can be done on a year-to-year basis in the big picture, or on a game-to-game basis when we zoom in.

This doesn’t have to involve abandoning the schemes we are inclined to, but it does mean we need to strategically choose schemes based on the talent and capabilities of our personnel for specific games - or even for a full season.

This guide breaks down how to manipulate pace of play to most benefit your teams. It will discuss the theory of how to dictate pace, and what schemes and strategies you can use to achieve the pace of play your team needs.


What buyers are saying:

There’s so many things in Tempo 4 Talent that I had never thought about before. I would recommend to any coach with an open mind about style of play.” -Todd Maynard, Huntington, WV


"What I loved about this ebook is that you can still run whatever offense or defense you want, but it gives you a great framework for what kind of pace you might want to consider, depending on the type of players you have.  This saved my season and I was able to adjust my pace accordingly with great success.  Highly recommend this for all coaches!"  -Josh Verdes, Chapel Hill, North Carolina


"This was a very informative resource. T4T gives a different perspective on how to think about your approach to the style of play your team will use. Not only does it give different styles of play but examples of each. A great resource for a coach at any level!" -Jason Edwards, Virginia

“I’ve always played a style of play based on what I learned from systems I was apart of as a player and as an assistant coach. I always assumed that was the way we would play. This guide opened my eyes to looking at things differently.” -Garrett Sullivan, Tennessee

10/10. Highly recommend. Thanks Coach Hack for another thoughtful piece of writing. -Mike Sherman, Florida


"I have a lot of Coach Hack’s materials, but this is by far the most impactful one that I have read through being a first-year head coach. Reading through this as I get to know my team has really helped me understand the kind of team I’m inheriting and how to set them up best for success. The cheat sheet is an incredibly handy resource that puts what you want to do in a simpler format. Well worth the purchase for anybody that is looking for a little guidance, whether you’re coming into a completely new team or looking to change some things from year to year depending on your personnel." -Jalen Burgeson, Franklin, NE


"Regardless of talent, this guide will help any coach (especially at the high school level) strategically choose the schemes or pace of play that benefits their team the most. As with all of his content, Coach Hack does a great job of packaging material and delivering it to coaches in a thought-provoking manner."  -Anthony Hibbard, Williamsburg, KY

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